About the bulletin Editorial council of the journal Requirements to materials
for the publication
Making bibliography Organization and order
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MGTU im. N.E. Baumana
Editorial ethics Web-page of Editor-in-Chief

«Lesnoy vestnik / Forestry Bulletin»

main page

Material requirements for publication in the journal

We shall consider previously unpublished articles, totaling together with notes 5-8 pages, including tables and figures (no more than 5).

Next must be attached to the paper:

  1. Annotation in English and Russian languages, including English translation of the article title and author names (200-250 words) Requirements for annotations.
  2. Key words in English and Russian languages.
  3. Information about authors (author reference): first name, middle name (in full), last name, academic degree, honorary titles; position and place of work (full name of the institution, postal code, address) in Russian and English languages.
  4. E-mail; home address, zip code, telephone number.
  5. Original signed reviewer reviews (not below professor), duly stamped his place of work (copies are not accepted).
  6. Conclusion for the article obtained  in the "Anti-plagiarism"(www.antiplagiat.ru).
  7. Where necessary, after the article is accepted for publication, you should arrange the expert opinion.
  8. Necessary to have the bibliography in Russian and in Latin

ВАК Министерства образования и науки РФ

The main text

The electronic version is formatted with MS-Word 97-2003 *. Doc (MS-Word version 2007 *. Docx not accepted!) Or RTF, and called by the author's name.

The text is typed and submitted to the editor in electronic form and on paper - the printer is printing in one instance on one side of a standard sheet of A4 paper.

Page margins: top - 20 mm, 30 mm lower, left and right 20 mm, font Times New Roman, font size 12 pt, line spacing - single. Indention (red line) - 1,27 cm. White space at the beginning of the paragraph are not allowed!

Lists of references are made in accordance with the requirements of bibliographic and located at the end of the document (GOST 7.1-2003).

In the list of references must be at least 25 sources that are arranged in order of citation (first work of the authors in Russian then a foreign language). The list should include all the authors whose works are cited in the text. Can not refer to unpublished works.

Formulas and tables

Formulas and special characters (eg Greek letters) in the article typed text (menu item "Insert - Symbol - SymbolВ»). For complex formulas used Equation Editor Math-type 5.0 and below. In the formula editor recruited only those formulas that can not dial using symbols.

Tables in the text typed by standard means of MS-Word (menu item "Table - Add Table"). The table must have a title and a link in the text. The width of the table - 82 or 170 mm.


Each figure should be submitted as a separate file (formats: *. Tif, *. Jpg, *. Bmp *. Pdf, *. Eps, *. Ai, *. Cdr, *. Dwg) in MS-Word does not insert!

Graphs, charts and diagrams should be done in the format of MS-Excel (*. Doc) and MS-Word (*. Xls).

Also for making graphs, charts and diagrams suitable vector graphics editors: Adobe Illustrator (*. Ai), Corel Draw (*. Cdr), AutoCAD (*. Dwg)).

Illustration made in graphic redakrore Paint will not be accepted, since this editor does not provide the required quality after saving the file.

Inscriptions on the figure performed in Times New Roman 10 pt.

The thickness of the lines in the drawings shall be at least 0,5 pt.

Drawings, photographs obtained from a digital camera or other bitmap images, which lacks any text represented by a file format *. Tif or *. Jpg without compression (at least 300 dpi)

Do not insert paper scanned drawings (graphs, charts)!

Photos from analog camera are presented in the form of originals printed on matte or glossy paper no larger than A4 paper.

Captions are placed in the text. All figures must be numbered and have a title.

Failure to comply with these requirements for illustrations editors gives the right to remove or reject drawing paper.

The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes and make a reduction in the articles. Proofread articles authors are not available.

Materials sent by mail to the editor simple or registered mail (parcel declared value will not be accepted).

Information about the passage of articles, authors may call 8 (498) 687-41-33.


Publication in the journal are free, but for copyright rooms must subscribe to the required number of copies of the magazine or publishing the catalog "The Russian Press" 88469.

Board with graduate students for publication of manuscripts will not be charged.