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«Lesnoy vestnik / Forestry Bulletin»

E-Mail: les-vest@bmstu.ru
141005, Mytischi, Moscow region, Russia,1st Institutskaya street, 1, MSFU.
(498) 687-41-33


Sanaev Viktor Georgievich,
professor, Dr.Sci.(Tech.), director of BMSTU (Mytishchi branch), Moscow

e-mail: vgsanaev@bmstu.ru

Assistant Editor

Raseva Elena Aleksandrovna

e-mail: les-vest@bmstu.ru

«LESNOY VESTNIK / FORESTRY BULLETIN» is the leading scientific and news magazine in the field of ecology, forestry, woodworking, chemical engineering and woodworking, economy of the  forest complex.

Journal publishes: higher school scientific articles, research institutes, foreign experts, managers and engineers, scientists texts of reports on symposia, conferences and meetings, summaries and reviews of new books; journalistic and literary historical materials.

Since 2003, the magazine is included in the list of approved publications of VAK (vak.ed.gov.ru), which should publish major scientific results of dissertations for the degree (engineering and agro specialty, management, computing and informatics).

Articles of the sections correspond to the scientific specialties in which academic degrees are awarded:

4.1.2. Plant breeding, seed production and plant biotechnology; 4.1.3. Agrochemistry, agrology, plant protection and plant quarantine; 4.1.6. Silviculture, forestry, forest plantations, agroforestry, landscaping, forest pyrology and taxation

4.1.2. Plant breeding, seed production and biotechnology; 4.1.3. Agrochemistry, agrosoil science, plant protection and quarantine; 4.1.6. Silviculture, forestry, forest plantations, agroforestry, landscaping, forest pyrology and taxation

4.3.4. Technologies, machines and equipment for forestry and wood processing

4.3.4. Technologies, machines and equipment for forestry and wood processing

1.2.2. Computer modeling and design automation; 2.3.1. System analysis, management and information processing; 2.3.3. Automation and control of technological processes and productions; 2.3.5. Mathematical and software support for computer systems and computer networks

In the year goes 6 journals up to 200 pages each.

Subscription to the magazine publishing is held throughout the year. You can order individual issues of previous years. Applications are sent to the address: 141005, Mytischi str. 1st Institutskaja, 1. Publisher, les-vest@bmstu.ru.

The application must specify the exact postal address (including the organization's department Subscriber Name). In the address of the publisher certainly sent a copy of the payment order to the exact mailing address (including the organization, name of the subscriber), the number of copies.

Subscriptions may also be registered in any post office (Index Catalogue "The Russian Press" 88469)

You can subscribe to the full-text electronic version of the article on the site of elibrary.ru